Sol omnibus lucet
The sun shines on everyone
Sine sole sileo
Without the sun I fall silent
Horas non numero nisi serenas
I count only the sunny hours
Horas non numero nisi æstivas
I count only the summer hours
Fruere hora
Enjoy the hour
Utere, non numera
Use the hours, don't count them
Utere non reditura
Use the hour, it will not come again
Tempus breve est
Time is short
Serius est quam cogitas
It's later than you think
Mox nox
Night, shortly
Vidi nihil permanere sub sole
I have seen that nothing under the sun endures
Come light visit me
I stand among the summer flowers
To tell the passage of the hours
To tell the passage of the hours
To learn the time of day
I am moved by the light
Time flies
I mark the time.
Dost thou?
Time flies
Dost thou?
A day must prime thee,
improve this hour
Lead kindly light
improve this hour
Lead kindly light
Mark the tremendous process of the sky
Who counted but the hours of light
There's light above me
and shade below
Time passes as a shadow
Time passes as a shadow
Be as true to each other as this dial is to the sun